Talent Operations

In business, Operations are defined as the collection of consistent tasks and processes a business performs to achieve expected outcomes. To operate efficiently, companies must maximise their resources, reduce spending on day-to-day activities, and maximise output.   

Simple, right?   

When it comes to Talent Operations, we at The Human Collaborative believe there is a recipe that businesses can use, which is a combination of:  

  • Strategy – ensuring that the Business Strategy is clear and the Talent Strategy (or strategic enables) are aligned 
  • Structure – this relates to the operating model of a talent function and the alignment to the business structure 
  • People – ensuring that the capabilities the business requires are clear and the talent team are of the right calibre and capacity 
  • Processes – defined and consistent processes are in place with the adoption of continuous improvement practices 
  • Technology – the right ecosystem for technology is essential for process optimisation and a high-quality user experience  

In our Talent Operations work, we assess the business’s current capabilities, looking at these five “ingredients,” determine its future requirements, and then optimise the balance of the “recipe.”   

By examining these five elements, we assess an organisation’s hiring processes (for both permanent and contingent talent), the technology it has in place, the suppliers it uses, and how it manages these relationships and spending.   

With our extensive experience, we can provide organisations with a clear understanding of their current capabilities in Talent Operations and work with them to create a roadmap for their future maturity across both the contingent and permanent workforce. 

One of the most challenging aspects we see organisations grappling with is technology. With a vast array of options and no one-size-fits-all solution, organisations must build a technology ecosystem. No single piece of technology can fulfil all organisational needs. Instead, organisations need to consider an ecosystem to digitise and optimise their talent operations, ensuring visibility and data-driven outcomes.   

Getting the right quantities, balances, and methods for these five ingredients is not simple. With our decades of experience across a range of organisations, we can help you with this.   

We have helped a range of businesses, find out more about the work we’ve done here: 
